This post is not from a dreamer or a scammer looking to sell some products. What if you are aiming for a more aggressive investment strategy, perhaps twice as aggressive. To achieve that, you will need to add some spice to your portfolio and leverage it a bit more to impress someone at a business event.
The markets are getting faster with the push of a button. Flash crashes are becoming more common. Have you managed to recover after the Bank of Japan’s rate hike triggered a carry trade unwind and sent the markets into a tailspin not long ago?
Keep in mind, though, that this aggressive approach will come with increased volatility. I’m not talking about gambling using the money you can afford to lose. I do not like going to the casino. It is all about hard work.
You will not want to die of a heart attack at a young age. You have to be prepared to endure losses for a couple of months or even years (I know this sounds scary). Yeah, this is not a portfolio to hold during a bear market or a nasty recession.
Think of it as a “please do not open until 2030” strategy. It is not something to consider if you are prone to stress, especially in turbulent markets.
There will be days when it is best to step away, watch your favorite movie, or take a short vacation instead of tracking daily performance. There is no need to call me on the phone to share your frustration. Consider the “crash” we experienced in 2022.
While the potential returns could double what you might expect from anything that is considered conservative and possibly even more, it requires patience and a longer term mindset. When investments are going up, most investors do not care about volatility, in fact they likely want as much as possible. It is only on the downside that investors get fearful of volatility.
You will not want to put all of your hard-earned money into a single aggressive portfolio. However, it might be worth carving out a certain percentage of your wealth and and let it grow over time. Oh, what have the millennials been doing? I know some of them have been religiously buying every top and selling every bottom.
At the risk of sounding like a broken track record, past performance is not a guarantee of future results.