In case you just got back from a long vacation, investors have been whipsawed as both stocks and bonds were destroyed. Never mind about stocks which are more “volatile” than bonds, the losses in long-duration bonds have now exceeded -50% from the top in what is supposed to be an ultra-safe low volatility asset. This…
Patience is a virtue
Thousands of years ago, before the use of horses, Native Americans utilized a hunting technique that preyed on animalistic instincts. This technique was called the buffalo jump. Hundreds of buffalo could be killed at a time without the use of weapons. Tribesmen would set up a path lined with piles of rocks and tree stumps,…
Winter is coming
The recent spike in oil prices will be a headwind for the inflation numbers to be released in the near future. Some investors are not always rational, and an ugly-looking chart for inflation is going to generate some fears which will lead to higher volatility in the markets. At this point in time, I would say…
Back to school
Over the last couple of weeks, I have presented at several private meetings for investors and urged them to think outside the mainstream. No obligation and lengthy sales pitch. With each session triggering a flood of requests for additional meetings. Many investors are drawn to investments that deliver consistent performance with lower volatility, and it’s…
Booming luxury market
This article from CPP-LUXURY caught my attention while I was plotting data on the terminal. Luxury brands often maintain their appeal over time, even in challenging economic conditions. Beyond China, consumers in other Asian countries are becoming wealthier including India. Given India’s growing economy, large consumer base and improving business environment, luxury goods companies are…