Happy Thanksgiving! As we begin to close out 2024, I will be sharing my views on the economic and market outlook for 2025 in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for insights on navigating what promises to be another dynamic year for our investors.
Looking back, 2024 has been quite the ride. Between political drama, global turbulence, and economic curveballs, the markets have kept us on our toes. Yet, amid the turbulence, investors have found their footing and glimpses of stability are beginning to break through the clouds.
Now, let us talk Thanksgiving. The classic version of the holiday is a story of family, gratitude, and a mythological feast where Native Americans and settlers bonded over turkey and presumably the invention of stuffing. Sweet, right?
In reality, though, Thanksgiving is just the warm-up for the main event, Black Friday. That is when Americans trade the family table for shopping carts and battle it out for flat-screen TVs.
Whatever your Thanksgiving looks like whether it is peaceful or punctuated by price tag, make it a good one.