The story of Christmas is rooted in Christian tradition and commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. The narrative is primarily drawn from the New Testament of the Bible, particularly the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke.
According to the biblical account, around 2,000 years ago in the town of Bethlehem, there was a young Jewish woman named Mary who was engaged to a man named Joseph. Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel, who told her that she would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit and that the child would be the Son of God. Mary accepted this divine message with humility and faith.
Joseph, initially troubled by Mary’s unexpected pregnancy, was also visited by an angel in a dream. The angel assured him that Mary’s child was conceived by the Holy Spirit and instructed him to take Mary as his wife. Joseph obeyed, and together they traveled to Bethlehem because of a census decree issued by the Roman emperor.
Arriving in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph found no available lodging. They sought refuge in a humble stable, and it was there that Mary gave birth to Jesus. She laid him in a manger, as there was no crib available.
Nearby shepherds, keeping watch over their flocks, were visited by a host of angels who announced the birth of the Savior. The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem and found the newborn Jesus, sharing the news of the angelic proclamation.
Wise men, often referred to as the Magi or the Three Kings, saw a special star in the sky and recognized it as a sign of the Messiah’s birth. They traveled from the East to pay homage to the newborn king. Upon reaching Bethlehem, they presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus.
The story of Christmas is celebrated by Christians around the world on December 25th each year, marking the birth of Jesus Christ. The holiday has expanded to include various cultural and secular traditions such as gift-giving, festive decorations and the exchange of good wishes.