I periodically recycle old posts on my blog to ensure that new clients can benefit from valuable content they may have missed and this post is one such example.
In a world where being “connected” often feels like a full-time job, I have managed to maintain a rather elusive online presence despite what all the social media gurus might say. While many professionals are actively building their personal brands, I have chosen a different route.
No, I did not lose my login password (though it is a great excuse). Instead, my low profile is a choice rooted in the nature of my work with my investors.
For many years, I have focused on providing discreet service to my clients, who prefer their financial dealings to remain under the radar. They are not exactly fans of the limelight, and as their trusted advisor, neither am I.
Now, while I’m not active on social media, I’m never a quiet guy when it comes to dealing with my clients. In fact, I can be quite outspoken even at the risk of upsetting them. After all, sometimes the best advice is the one you do not want to hear, and part of my job is making sure my clients get the truth even if it is not what they expected.
Sure, social media can be a fantastic tool for networking, but when your clients value privacy as much as mine do, the last thing they need is their advisor tweeting about their latest portfolio moves. In fact, my network has grown the old-fashioned way: through word of mouth, long-term partnerships, and the occasional “you should meet my guy” recommendation.
Privacy and discretion are central to what I do, and in a world where everyone is vying for attention, sometimes the best strategy is quietly doing the work behind the scenes. After all, results speak louder than a thousand “likes” especially in this business. My clients appreciate it, and quite frankly, I do too.
For those who are keen on following my thoughts and insights, this private blog is where I connect with like-minded individuals. No bells and whistles, just honest conversations about markets, strategy and meditation.