Everyone has an opinion on currencies all the time. As I scan the news articles everywhere, I have noticed almost everyone and his dog is becoming increasingly bearish on the greenback as the general market anticipates rate cuts in September. The US dollar Index fell by a little more than 2.4% in August, which is the largest monthly decline in last November’s 3% swoon.
I am getting older. I have been here so many times, Well, there are a huge amount of people ready with “I told you sos” whenever the US dollar is dropping without knowing what is happening in the bigger picture.
Some of my non-US clients are pleased with the weakening dollar against their home units, as it will make their overseas travel more affordable.
Strength or illusion? I want to know your opinion. Do you think the US dollar will continue its momentum, or are storm clouds on the horizon?
Please send me your feedback via email. The results of the survey will be covered in our next webinar.