I wanted to inform you that I will be on the road over the next couple of days, and during this time, my ability to publish regular blog posts will be limited due to the internet connectivity.
While I’m away, my highly reliable TM-IM system will help in managing the multiple positions, ensuring investors of the continuity and quality of my work.
If you are new to my work, I need to come clean about something that really gets under my skin. You know what irks me? Those perpetual doomsayers, always predicting the crashing of this or that without end. Oh, the US dollar is going to be worthless tomorrow or the economy is going to “collapse” on a certain date.
More than a decade ago, a good friend was one of them. Governments printed trillions of dollars after the financial crisis. To protect yourself, you had to own assets that could not be created out of thin air. So he put all his money into smart investments in fixed deposits and some gold bars. Luckily, he figured out early on that betting on the end of the world is a terrible investing strategy.
The issue with macro doom narratives is that most of the time, when you encounter them, you are not in an investor mindset, you are in a consumer mindset. Fear is a potent selling point, and everyone from mainstream media outlets to the tabloid kings of the financial blogosphere is competing for your attention and clicks.
The people crafting these narratives could not care less if you confuse them for sound investment advice, leading you down a path to losing everything, including your mind. They are willing to sacrifice your financial and mental well-being for their own interest or profit margin.
Ultimately, it is you who stands to suffer the most from heeding those “gurus”. You are trying to build a nest egg for retirement but are dissuaded from pursuing sound, reliable investments. Instead, you are nudged towards defensive strategies or, in the worst scenarios, deterred from investing altogether.
I will resume regular blogging as soon as possible.