People have diverse beliefs and perspectives. I usually avoid engaging in arguments or debates about certain things especially personal beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions or positions, and it is okay to agree to disagree. I find more value sharing my experiences or insights with those who are open or positive to what I believe in or what I do.
Sharing personal experiences and being open to respectful dialogue can contribute to a better understanding of different perspectives on Yogic Flying. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought Yogic Flying (Fly, Flyer, Flight) to world in the late 1970’s, now hundreds of thousands of people practice the technique with representatives from every country.
Yogic Flying has been part of my morning routine for many years. Yogic Flying involves the most powerful practice within the TM program called the Sidhi Program, which includes advanced meditation techniques, one of which is the practice of “Yogic Flying.” The TM-Sidhi program is a simple, natural, effortless set of procedures that accelerate the personal growth one gains from the TM technique.
At times while engaging in Yogic Flying, I find myself immersed in a profound sense of complete unity and joy. During these moments, my body effortlessly assumes the traditional Yogic Flying posture, feels weightless, and nearly fades away entirely from my consciousness.
Is this real? Yogic Flying refers to the phenomenon of the body spontaneously lifting off the ground, bringing waves of energy, exhilaration, and bliss in response to the whole physiology coming in tune with natural law.
It involves Yogic Flyer sitting in the lotus position and “hopping” or “bouncing” on a soft surface such as a cushion or mattress while maintaining a state of deep meditation. As the practice continues these hops become bigger and lighter, which is a sign of increased coherence in brain functioning and enhanced mind-body coordination.
It is a practice associated with higher states of consciousness and spiritual development within the context of TM. It develops mind-body coordination at increasingly subtle and powerful levels, enabling the achievement of one’s highest goals from the most subtle level of thought.
The daily “flying” practice helps to strengthen spiritual development and a deeper understanding and purpose in life. Regular sessions can further enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities.
Scientific research has repeatedly shown that when large groups of people practice the TM-Sidhi program with Yogic Flying together in one place, positive social and economic trends improve and negative trends, such as accidents, violence and civil conflicts decrease.